Painting Contractors Center Athens - RACHOUTIS DIMITRIS - Painting Contractor Polygono Athens - Painting Contractors Galatsi - Painting Center Athens - Painting Galatsi Attikis

30933 Visitors:
Address: Distomitou 2, Athens
Area: Attica
Telephone: 6993141549
Mobile: -
P.C.: 11476
Category: PAINTING
Fax: -
Responsible: -
Responsible phone: -
Rachoutis Dimitris, an oil painter based in Galatsi, Attica, has many years of experience and is active in the field of oil painting with a lot of passion, responsibility, consistency and professionalism. Our team performs meticulous and clean work without damage and repairs, taking care at the end of the work to leave the space clean. Transform your space with colors and combinations suitable for your own Home !! Give your home or business a new breath! Trust the freshening or comple...
30933 Visitors:

Distomitou 2, Athens, Attica

30933 Visitors:

Rachoutis Dimitris, an oil painter based in Galatsi, Attica, has many years of experience and is active in the field of oil painting with a lot of passion, responsibility, consistency and professionalism.

Our team performs meticulous and clean work without damage and repairs, taking care at the end of the work to leave the space clean.

Transform your space with colors and combinations suitable for your own Home !!

Give your home or business a new breath! Trust the freshening or complete oil painting of your property.

We study your space and suggest unique color combinations that suit your space. We will offer you the appropriate solution, at the lowest market price.

We carry out color renovations of homes and businesses as the goal of color renovation is to change our aesthetics and upgrade your space

We undertake oil painting and painting of houses, buildings, apartment buildings inside and outside, shopping malls, public buildings.

Rachoutis Dimitris's workshop has all the necessary equipment for scaffolding, machinery, grinders, in order to successfully perform any work in high and difficult places using for painting high quality materials, plastic ecological or biological, durable insulation or acrylic paints.

Call us at 699.314.1549 and we will respond immediately by giving our offer for the work you will assign us to complete.

Our goal: the quality of work and consistency at the most reasonable market prices

Sincerely, Rachoutis Dimitris

oil painting center of athens- oil painting Galatsi Attica- oil painting polygon Attica- oil painting northern suburbs of Attica- oil painting southern suburbs of Attica- oil painting western suburbs of Attica- oil painting east
oil painter center of athens- oil painter galaci attica- oil painter polygon attica- oil painter northern suburbs of attica- oil painter south suburbs of attica- oil painter western suburbs of attica- oil painter
painting center of athens- painting galaci attica- painting polygon attica- painting northern suburbs of attica- painting southern suburbs of attica- painting western suburbs of attica- painting east attica
painting center of athens- painting galaci attica- painting polygon attica- painting northern suburbs of attica- painting southern suburbs of attica- painting western suburbs of attica- painting east attica


Painting Contractors Center Athens - RACHOUTIS DIMITRIS - Painting Contractor Polygono Athens - Painting Contractors Galatsi - Painting Center Athens - Painting Galatsi Attikis eleoxromatismi athina Oil paintings
Painting Contractors Center Athens - RACHOUTIS DIMITRIS - Painting Contractor Polygono Athens - Painting Contractors Galatsi - Painting Center Athens - Painting Galatsi Attikis eleoxromatismi athina Styles
Painting Contractors Center Athens - RACHOUTIS DIMITRIS - Painting Contractor Polygono Athens - Painting Contractors Galatsi - Painting Center Athens - Painting Galatsi Attikis eleoxromatismi athina Insulation
Painting Contractors Center Athens - RACHOUTIS DIMITRIS - Painting Contractor Polygono Athens - Painting Contractors Galatsi - Painting Center Athens - Painting Galatsi Attikis eleoxromatismi athina Thermal Insulation - Thermal facades
30933 Visitors:

Distomitou 2, Athens

Telephone: 6993141549

Working Hours

09:00 - 21:00
09:00 - 21:00
09:00 - 21:00
09:00 - 21:00
09:00 - 21:00